Stock Market Testing

Will it fix the economy or will it do absolutely nothing?

4 minutes to read

The Plan

Businesses choose how many stocks they have and their pricing. The number of shares can only be changed by an Admin, while the price of share (MSRP) can be change by anyone with 30 percent of the company’s shares. Please note that the percentage can change. The buyers and sellers agree there worth so they can sell below or above MSRP. This can be done in-game, though BONC, or any other form of payment. The businesses monthly sales is split between the shares, if the businesses refuses to share that information to their share holder they will be put in court. The bot records the msrp, amount of shares, and share trades (equivalent pay command with BONC or PBB).


Help Commands

Stock Commands

  • trade @person [name] [amount of shares] - equivalent pay command with BONC or PBB
  • balance [name] [username] - shows your share for the business that you provide
  • msrp [name] [price] (must have 30% stock minimum) - changes the msrp values

Admin Commands

Only Commands that Admins have access to

  • create [name] [amount of shares] [msrp] - creates an new business
  • increase [name] [amount of shares] - increase an business’s shares
  • decrease [name] [amount of shares] - decrease an business’s shares


website screenshot
website screenshot

I create website that shows the current statistics of the stock market. It’s

How to Join

In order to join the Stock Market Testing Team you must complete the following steps:

  1. Have an BONC account
  2. Understand the risks the stock market testing
  3. DM Alan for discord invite





Written on August 1, 2021 by Alan Saucer

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